This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
Timeline of the human condition

interactive fiction in 2019 is wild

I just won a game by getting broken up with and then crying. Which ... I play games to escape from real life, not to recapitulate it.

The Merchant Fleet of Late Medieval and Tudor England, 1400-1580

Poor Nick Mason
Pink Floyd Songs Ranked. Wait, come back, it's funny and surprisingly affecting. Also, it's 19,000 words long, but unlike the subject there's not much wasted space here.

Data, PIM, a11y, Energy, Collaboration, Web analytics, WRX, RSS, s60, barcamp, Automobile, Development, Business, Wearables, Product Management, Security, AI, Crowdsourcing, Web, Storage, Open, MacOS, Medical, Android, Visual, Javascript, OS, Hardware, Net, Audio, Mobile, Shopping, Social

Law, Games, Sports, CrowdFlower, Activism, L.A., Feminism, Housing, Food & Drink, Boston, Geography, Quizzes, Bicycling, Friday, Minnesota, Personal care, Berlin, Transportation, Surfing, Politik, NYC, Toys, San Francisco, Agriculture, Video, History, Clothes, California, Podcasts, Life hacks, Statistics, Travel

Mailing lists, L.A., Mixes, Labels, House, Lyrics, Streams, Good tracks, Mp3s, Hip-hop, Booking, Videos, Shopping, Boston, Making, Events, Musicians, Reviews, Business, History

Languages, Subcultures, Life hacks, Working with, Vocations, Health, Meditation, Weblogs, ADD, Me, Gossip, Exercise, MOTAS, Buddhism, Stories, Heroes, Friends, Family, Enemies

Web, Shopping, Macroeconomics, Management consulting, Personal services, Investing, Real Estate, Microfinance, Taxes, Marketing and CRM, Insurance, IP Law, Personal finance, International Development, Non-profit

Outlets, Desktop wallpaper bait, iPad bait, Visual, Movies, Burning Man, Rhetoric, Spoken Word, Humor, Events, Poetry, Sculpture, Animation, Comix, Literature

Architecture, Process, Tools, Algorithmic, Furniture, Web, User experience, Type, Data visualization, IA, Presentations, Cool

Physics, Cognition, Statistics and Data, Psychology, Environment, Networks, Zoology

Uganda, Vagabond '08, Kenya, Kingdom of Siam

Friends, Moblog, Photos I Wish I'd Taken


Internet classic

One Acre Fund


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