This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
Bismuth crystals
How to make Bismuth crystals at home. Anybody want to do this? Bonus: they're (slightly) radioactive.

Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society
Currently featuring: visionary architecture (including houses made of living trees), timelines of timelines, cat pianos, the lawn chair balloonist.

Are YOU ready for a disaster?
Very useful-looking series on disaster preparedness, starting with risk assessment.
Dictionary/encyclopedia/thesaurus etc that draws on multiple sources, including the Houghton Mifflin dictionary and wikipedia. This is the online dictionary I'll use from now on, and possibly my online encyclopedia of choice as well.

possible halloween costumes
johnny depp in pirates
crucified red sox fan
laptop musician
lloyd dobler

I think I'm going to go with the Red Sox outfit. "Pedro Martinez died for your sins." Grady Little as Iscariot. Etc.

update: Good Christ, has it been a year? Anyway, if I had a white robe, this year I'd be a resurrected member of Red Sox Nation.

mrsid maps
I've always been frustrated looking for good maps / atlases on the web. Apparently there are a lot of good maps in this weird format I've never heard of.

Just stayed up late finishing my first Raymond Carver Chandler (sidenote: halfway through, had to check that Bogart played Marlowe at least once. He did, in The Big Sleep.)

Anyway, think it made me more interested in this: an Eisenhower-era Social Security number that might come in handy: 078-05-1120. Works 99% of the time, supposedly.


Supreme Court audio.

The Eiffel Tower is burning.

Sadly, not really a big deal: CNN.

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized." --Sun Tzu

Social Fiction index
carthographic sadism. gabber avant-gardism. disco socialism. peripatetic hedonism. autonomous spacetravel. RIGHT!

NoNaOpDiJo - No Name Open Distributed Journalism

Baby > Gear Patterns > John Lennon

The Morning News

Sorry Eric, today's not going to be a good day for linking. Plenty of stuff there though; especially check the articles on cocktails and restroom instructions.

I want a t-shirt that says "disinter media" on it.

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Uganda, Kingdom of Siam, Kenya, Vagabond '08

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One Acre Fund

Internet classic


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