the porous city - music - mp3s |
My first mix in ... six years? Lie down and be counted. download mp3 |
Just to set the record straight we used a turntable, a mono reel to reel, a 2 track reel to reel and an 8 track reel to reel machine. Using cassette decks would have been like a ballerina dancing with construction boots.update two: Yeah, I'm namedropping.
"It's not supposed to be a walk in the park." -- Speedy J (*)So, my bad. I guess.
* -- Actual quote
"Further to diveintomercury's suggestions.. - not necessarily quite in the direction you're talking about, but at least check out the Acustic stuff as that might be more in line with what you want. - bunch of IDM stuff on rotate.
Kracfive have set up an MP3 rotator..
There's also quite a bit of interesting stuff on if you feel inclined to snoop around.
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