Why, maybe I do want to hear embarassing stories from total strangers. Shows in LA on July 25th and August 22nd, at King King.

I'm wary. Great speaker + good book is better than bad speaker + great book.

Downloads and discussion of lectures, speeches etc.

mp3s from 1960s interviews with groupies
(Hey I heard about this great new site called Boing Boing, figured I'd steal all their links...)

Great British comedy podcast and ... other stuff.

tons of free mp3s of vintage radio shows
"Abbott and Costello, Superman, Groucho Marx, The Avenger, Gunsmoke, Sherlock Homes, and many others."

Free mp3s of Sherlock Holmes radio dramas from the 1930s
As BoingBoing put it: "The Sherlock Holmes Society of London has hundreds of free MP3s of Sherlock Holmes radio plays from the 1930s -- amazing!"

download mp3s of bbc series 'in our time'
Fuck you, NPR, if I want a snob I'll take an Oxbridge snob.

the long now foundation - seminar downloads
Listen to Brian Eno, Bruce Sterling etc talks as mp3s.

update: I'm disappointed. Not in the seminars, which I haven't listened to yet, but in whatever geek they got to create the mp3s. They're 128kbps, really excessive for voice, and no ID3 tags. The illusion of infalliability is shattered.

"An extensive customizable list of (almost) all public radio stations that offer streaming audio and what they have playing now and in the future."

bbc audio interviews with architects
Dammit, if I can't find a circle of pretentious bastards in LA, I'll make my own.

beyond baroque
Will avoid the poetry slams, but some of this might be fun. Do they serve drinks?

Radio serials
The Shadow, Supes, the Green Hornet...

This American Life
Archives! David Sedaris! Good laundry-folding material.

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