This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
Filed for future travel plans
Having a local cook you dinner when you're traveling sounds like a good idea.


My favorite tacos in LA

Which cuisines are better in NYC/SF?

Late night links

Recipe search by ingredient. Works exactly the way it should: you tell it what you have, then is starts asking "do you have this? do you have this?" (look over to the left.) Recipes sourced from all over the place.

May is a lean month it seems.

All foods ranked by goodness
So this ranked list of foods by nutritional density is thought-provoking but flawed.

I just don't believe that salsa (what kind, anyway?) is better than me for beets, and the reason I don't is sodium. But that's apparently not factored in.

Different ways of preparing food will impact the nutritional value.

Also, and I'm basing this off a couple hours of fascinating discussion with Dylan when we'd already had a few, different people have different gut flora which affect their ability to digest different kinds of food.

But I like the idea.

My friend Ozge just started a blog on Turkish cuisine for American cooks.

In 2008, after five months of solo travel through Asia, I met up with Ozge on her home turf. (If you can travel with someone who is host, guide and friend together, I urge you to do so.) There followed a near month of highlights, as we ate and drank our way across Turkey, starting in Istanbul. It should always be nighttime, and we should always, all of us, be at rooftop restaurants near Istiklal, having meze with raki.

Aaand I can get the ingredients for the traditional eggplant dish locally. Yum.

Reason CCCLXXXXVI we are happy to revisit Los Angeles: the San Gabriel Valley
Real Sichuan food at Chung King.

Now that I enjoy cooking, will pick this up when I eventually move back to the States. Also recommendation in the thread for an $11 sharpener.

cheaper and even better?

Chili garlic sauce recipe
  • A couple handfuls of small, fresh, spicy chili peppers (usually called bird's eye chilis)
  • Three or four cloves of garlic
  • Quarter cup of white vinegar
  • Tablespoon of sugar
  • Teaspoon of salt
  • 4-6 bell peppers
  • One or two sugarcube-sized pieces of fresh ginger
  • A blender

Stem the chili peppers, coarse chop the garlic. Add everything except the bell peppers to the blender. Puree superfine. Slice a few bell peppers, add and blend. Keep adding bell peppers to taste; you'll probably want to add a bit more sugar too.

I'm a huge Sriracha fan but I actually like this better. It's the fresh peppers. Eat it on everything.

Where credit is due: I originally started with this recipe. Now that I think about it, even adding ginger was Teena's idea, not mine.

Some notes:
  • Recipe above is approximate only. Your garlic cloves may be larger than what I get here in Kenya. Your chili peppers may not be as spicy.
  • Don't go too nuts with the garlic, and especially not with the bell peppers. This is all about the flavor of the fresh chili peppers, and the spice.

The King of Beers?
  • In Praise of Budweiser (contains extended footnotes)
  • A Better Brew which contains the line: "I asked the brewmaster, Jean-Marie Rock, which American beer he likes best. He thought for a moment, squinting down his bladelike nose, and narrowed his lips to a point. Then he raised a finger in the air. 'Budweiser!' he said. 'Tell them that the brewer at Orval likes Budweiser!' He smiled. 'I know they detest it, but it is quite good.'"

Kristy makes it, shoots it, eats it. Hungry?

The food
a photo of a plate of fried rice

Somebody asked me for travel stories today and I had to throw up my hands. The most adventurous thing I've done so far is the Thai barbeque place I just visited. The buffet of raw meat and vegetables (some meant to be grilled, some not) were like a bunch of "NO!" illustrations for a travel health brochure. But it smelled so good ... the routine would have been familiar to any LA resident who's visited Koreatown. The main difference was that instead of the marinade, it was all about the delicious, chili-rich dipping sauces. Ok, a few random points:

Why it's better here
Find any popular food stall where you can watch your meal get cooked in front of you, and you get:
  • Fresh-cooked food
  • from fresh ingredients
  • from a stall that does just one thing, and well enough to have a following
  • in a country that cares about food.

Khao Soi
It's the new hamburger: tasty, addictive comfort food. Egg noodles, meat, etc, in a curry soup, topped with crunchy noodles. There must be somewhere in LA that has it. This is a perfect letter to Jonathan Gold at the LA Weekly actually: "ah yes, that delicious northern Thai specialty. There are several places in Los Angeles that claim to offer the real thing, but only one ..." etc etc

  • Fried rice doesn't suck.
  • I had the best fried chicken of my life here.
  • Met someone from Taiwan who claims chicken satay is a Malaysian dish.

Loving Los Angeles
I just had the spiciest meal I've ever had in this city, after five years of chasing Thai and Vietnamese delicacies. It was a pizza, at Mr. Pizza on Fairfax. They also have a silly good beer selection, with like six Samuel Smith varieties.

Some of the best chocolate I've ever had. Ignore the fact that it's sugar-free, that sort of creeps me out.

Kyochon has the best fried chicken I've tried in Los Angeles
6th and Serrano, a couple blocks east of Western. Then go to Lollicup a few doors down for boba. Perfect. (via Jonathan Gold, of course)

Recipes from the New York Times.

Pulls from a bunch of different LA food blogs ... but no LA-specific feed?

Need to buy beer in Los Angeles? A lot of it?

Caffeine content

Good categories list for browsing. Oo and they link to chowhound threads!

The Great Taco Hunt
Tracking down every little frickin taco truck roaming the streets of LA. Insanity.

AskMe: What sorts of long-lasting food do you stock in your refrigerator?
aka "how do the rest of you without time to cook eat?"

LA Eats with Maps
Ning clone of Citysearch. But it's interesting now because it's populated solely with restaurants people cared enough about to add to the database.

London after hours
Most bars in London close at 11pm, believe it or not. These bars will get you (keep you) drunk after hours without a cover. I really wish I could use this information.

I had a donut from some random sketchy place in LA last night. They also served cheesesteaks and cafeteria-style Chinese food. It was great, as good as any Krispy Kreme I've ever had.

So I'm just saying, they're out there.


Restaurants, bars, stories.

places i want to eat at in LA
La Oaxaquena map

reviews with pics

some good cheap California wines
Ravenswood Vintner's Blend Zin or Merlot
Bonny Doon Pacific Rim Riesling
Rosenburg Zinfandel
Qupe Bien Nacido
Chalone Pinot Blanc
Ridge Geyserville
Grgich Zinfandel
Quady Muscats
Bonny Doon Vin Glacier
Charles Shaw

l.a. delivery services
why cook la (mon-fri)
la to go

fruit labels
Not that I care, but:
a "9" means organic ["94133"], an 8 means genetically-modified ["84133"]; conventionally grown seems drop the first # [they use "4133" as an example].
I'd eat food from a 3d printer if it tasted good, but it's nice to be able to decode the data you swim through.

chemical wine
"The only problem was, his 'wine' tasted horrible."

This is an enthusiasts' site for ____ (1). It's a little messy, but if you dig around a bit you're sure to find some gems. Mostly though, it's an interesting window into another subculture. Also, I would never have thought to try _____ (2) otherwise.
(1) food
(2) the Cuban sandwich at Chez Henri

eGullet seems to be its top competitor.

Malt Me! Are premium malt beverages an acceptable malternative to sobriety?
I wasn't planning on ever trying them -- I mean, Zima, nuff said, right? -- but apparently some are ok. Executive summary: Skyy Blue, Smirnoff Ice and Doc's Hard Lemonade are drinkable. The article got one thing wrong, though: none of these drinks are manly.

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